DarkHunger Page 10
“You know. He used mind control over me to make me sleep with him.”
Julia shook her head. “No he didn’t. Ian did say he made you forget the condom part, but he said he never did anything else to your mind.”
“And you believed him?”
“Yes I do.”
“Well, I don’t believe him. If he hadn’t slept with me, then Tyler would be alive—”
“And you would be a wolf,” Julia interrupted.
“Tyler wouldn’t have done that to me.”
“Oh, yes, he would have. You would be walking around here with hair growing all over your body once a month. A real turn off. Vampires are much cooler than wolves in my opinion.”
“Well, it sucks for me. I can’t go out in the sunlight, and I have to drink blood to live. What’s so exciting about that?”
Julia smiled. “At least you don’t have to lick yourself when you are a wolf.”
Kayla giggled. “You’re right.”
Julia stood. “I have to get back to the animals. It’s going to be night soon, so let’s go to Diamonds tonight to hang out.”
“No,” Kayla answered swiftly.
“Why not?”
“Ian might be there.”
“Don’t worry about Ian being there. He is so hurt that you don’t want to see him that Logan said that he hasn’t come out of his room in a week.”
“Well I’m hurt because of what he did to me.”
“Hurt because he gave you eternal life? Hurt that a handsome hunk like Ian wants to be with you every day of your life? Hurt that you will look twenty-three for the rest of your life? So what that you can’t see the sun and that blood is your life source, I would take that over being dead.”
Julia had spoken the truth. She had everlasting life now with the drawbacks of not being able to walk under the sun again. She really should forgive Ian. She had to admit that she missed him and the fact was that she was horny as hell. All the time. “Alright, I’ll go, but if Ian shows up, I’m out.”
“Fine. Stubborn girl.”
* * * *
Later that night…
Kayla didn’t want to go to the club, but she promised Julia that she would. They had been sitting in the booth downstairs for an hour and she had downed so many drinks, she lost count. She was quickly finding out that she didn’t get drunk as quickly as she used to. She wasn’t even lightheaded a little from the drinks. She had to add that to her things about vampires. They didn’t get drunk easily.
Julia had run off with some random man to dance about fifteen minutes ago and she wanted to find her so she could go home.
“Can I have this dance?”
The hairs on the back of her neck stood up at the sound of his voice. “Ian?” Kayla stood from the table, and she couldn’t stop herself as she slapped him.
Ian’s eyes widened.
Oh hell, she hadn’t expected that sort of reaction to seeing him.
“I deserved that,” he told her.
Kayla placed her hand on her hips. “Yes, you did.”
“Kayla—” Ian paused. “Can we talk somewhere less loud?”
Kayla frowned, but she knew that they needed to talk, and that Julia would feel her wrath later. She was sure that Logan and Julia had set this up.
“Fine,” she spat and followed Ian up the stairs and into a private office.
She looked around the office. There was a large desk in the middle of the room. A leather couch lined the wall, and there were two smaller chairs in front of the desk along with a large leather black chair behind the desk. The desk was clean and the only thing on it was a computer and a couple sheets of paper. Books lined almost every inch of the wall. The parts of the walls that didn’t have a bookshelf, large, decorative paintings hung there.
“This is a nice office,” she said as Ian closed the door behind her.
“Yes, this is Logan’s office. Care to have a seat?”
Kayla turned around to see Ian pointing at the couch. “No thanks. I’ll stand.”
Ian nodded then walked up to her. Her skin began to heat from his closeness, but she couldn’t give in to the cravings. She had masturbated so much this week that her fingers still hurt. Still, she couldn’t give in to him. Not now.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for what happened to you, Kayla. I never intended on you finding out what I was the way that you had.”
“Then when were you going to tell me what you were? I gave myself to you, Ian. Something I kept for so long. Something that I wanted to give to a man I loved. I only knew you for twenty-four hours and I gave you my virginity.”
Ian sighed. “I know that was precious to you, and I promise you, I hadn’t intended on sleeping with you that night we had our date.”
“But you did—”
“Because you wanted me also, Kayla,” Ian cut in.
“Yes, but you messed with my mind.”
Ian shook his head. “I never messed with your mind about your feelings for me. What you felt for me is all of your own. I only stopped you from wanting to use protection.”
Kayla looked into his eyes. She really missed Ian. Yes, she didn’t know much about him, but she felt a deep connection with him. She wanted to be by his side. If she wanted it so much, why was she fighting the feeling?
“I know it’s hard to live with this new life, but I have been this way my entire life, Kayla.”
Kayla looked at him. “How old are you, Ian?”
“I am six-hundred and thirty-eight years old.”
“Wow you look good for your age.”
Ian’s laughter sent chills up her spine. “And I want to look just as good with you, six hundred years from now.”
Kayla swallowed the lump in her throat. “You don’t want me, Ian.”
Ian walked up to her, making her back up until her legs bumped against the desk. “I want you, Kayla. I love you. I know it’s too soon to say what we are feeling when we have so much to learn about each other, but I’m willing to learn everything about you. I know you are my mate and I would do anything to make you happy.” Ian’s hand trimmed her face. “I want you, Kayla. I want you to forgive me for not telling you earlier. I want you by my side for now on. You make me happy.”
Kayla reached up, pulling him to her, kissing him deeply. She wanted that also, and she didn’t care what they were. She wanted Ian. Kayla pulled back from him, looking into his eyes. “I do love you, Ian. I’m just so mad that I love you so much.”
“Don’t be mad. I want to be with you.”
“You live in New York. You have a girlfriend, and I can’t leave my home and my business.”
“You don’t have to leave Florida. You can work as long as you want, or you can hire someone to take over, so we can travel around the world. I don’t have a girlfriend any longer. I handled that last week. She wasn’t happy, but she has no choice but to accept that I love you and will be with you. I’ll move here to be with you. I would move anywhere to be with you.”
“Let’s take this one day at a time. Get to know each other. You can teach me what I need to know as a vampire.”
“Gladly,” Ian said with a smile.
“But for now,” she said, reached up and played with the buttons on his shirt. “I have a need that I only want you to satisfy.”
Ian growled. “I can handle that. Let’s go to your home.”
“We could go all the way there or you can take me right here, right now.” Kayla sat back on the desk, her dress rising up to her thighs.
She enjoyed the way his eyes brightened as he looked at her. She knew he would take her here and now.
“I choose here and now and you by my side forever.”
Kayla didn’t know how her life would turn out, but she knew as of now, she wanted Ian by her side. She would learn to live as a vampire and enjoy the happiness that had come into her life.
About the Author
I have been a writer all my life. As a young girl, I remember reading books and writing my own s
hort stories. I have an active imagination, and over the years, I learned to bring those emotions and pictures to life. I love all types of books, but my favorite books are paranormal romance.