DarkHunger Page 3
“Well, son, Eric Virgo is your friend, and I don’t like that he’s part of the Scion’s clan. However, if he’s killing, you will be attending his funeral.”
“Was my friend,” Tyler corrected. “I haven’t hung out with Eric in many moons.”
“I hope you are not lying to me, son. I don’t want you to get caught up in that freedom bullshit. That’s why we are cursed now. Our ancestors thought it would be fine to rape and kill one of the most powerful wizards of that time, and now look what we have to deal with. If you are thinking about joining a different pack besides the Lone Wolves that’s fine, but make sure you join one that has morals and doesn’t think humans are food.”
Tyler snarled before turning away from his father. Yes, he had thought of joining another pack, but all the packs were lame with their don’t do this and don’t do that rules. He wanted to have fun. He wanted to be the wolf that he was meant to be. He craved the taste of human flesh sometimes. Why must his father be such a downer? At this rate, he would never get Kayla, never be respected in the pack as a leader, and would always live in his father’s shadow.
For now, he would accept, but later would be another story. He would rule a pack one day, and they would tremble with fear at the sight of him. That’s what you called a leader, not these wannabe pussies that led the packs now. They might as well let a female run the packs with the way things were going these days.
Tyler let out a frustrated sigh before opening the back door and going inside. He had to endure several more hours of working with a woman he couldn’t touch before going out and finding which woman he would bed this night. He felt extra frustrated and he had to make sure he took one who could suck his cock until her jaw locked, then could take him fucking her in each and every hole she had. No lovemaking for him tonight, just fierce, non-stop fucking.
Chapter 3
The sound of electronic music blasted from what sounded like a hundred speakers pierced Ian’s sensitive ears. Humans as well as other beings danced on the lit dance floor. Lights of all different colors swirled around as people enjoyed the music. A DJ sat in the booth, occasionally stirring the club up more.
Ian didn’t expect to see as many people in this club as there were. His brother had put a lot of money into the decorations and fixing it up, and Ian would find out later where he got the money from or from whom to be exact.
Ian hadn’t had much time to look around the club before Logan halted him up to the blue room area. The moment he got upstairs, he noticed the traffic of bodies was less than downstairs because he didn’t run into someone every couple of steps.
Logan immediately took him to the bar and ordered the strongest drink he could think of. However, it was not like he could get drunk that easily, as it would take something with a lot more kick to give him a buzz.
He peered down to the main floor. Bodies of all shapes and sizes swayed to the music. They didn’t have a care in the world at this moment. Within moments of watching everyone, the interest left. He turned to look at the blue lights.
Why had he let Logan talk him into coming out tonight? The trip on the plane had done a number on him. Not only was there a child who cried the entire flight, but a passenger in first class couldn’t keep his dinner down, and every couple of minutes he ran to the bathroom with his hand over his mouth. Then there was Mary. Mary sat next to him and she wanted, no, needed, to know every detail about him. After the first thirty minutes of non-stop talking, he forced her to sleep the rest of the trip.
Let’s not forget the moment he got off the plane and had to wait hours for his bags. It was just one thing after the next, and he wanted to rest tonight so tomorrow he could go out and search for any clues that would lead him to the murderer of innocent humans.
Instead of respecting his request to let him sleep, Logan pestered him for almost an hour before he finally agreed to look at the club.
Logan said no one rested in Florida. Every night they partied, and from the size of the crowd, Logan had spoken the truth. He couldn’t prove it, but he was sure that everyone from the town was here.
Ian took another sip of his drink. He knew why he didn’t want to come out and party. He had been in a foul mood since he left New York. The plane ride wasn’t the start of this bad trip.
For starters, he had a very unpleasant dinner with Meagan before leaving. The dinner went well, but as soon as they were alone in the booth, she wanted to be spontaneous. She reached her hand under the table and tried to free his cock from his pants, wanting to give him a blowjob. About two years ago, he would have been hard with excitement. After she encountered his soft and unappealing cock, she started to accuse him of not being attracted to her anymore. Ian tried to explain to her that his lack of interest came from the fact that there were many people around, and they would see her disappearing under the table. Meagan told him she didn’t believe him, then jumped up and left the restaurant without another word.
When she left, Ian didn’t follow her. Instead, he paid the tab, then walked around the city until dawn. When he decided to go home, he wasn’t surprised to find Meagan was in his bed, naked, and waiting for him.
It never took so much effort in his life to try to keep a hard-on. He did manage to get fifteen minutes out of it.
Meagan did cum once, and the moment she did, he shamelessly pretended to have an orgasm. The second he pulled out of her, he lay on his back, wondering why he put himself through such trauma. Why let this woman make his life so miserable to the point that he couldn’t enjoy the one thing that his kind needed most, sexual release.
“Ian, are you going to sit here and look like you are not having fun all night?” Logan sat down next to him.
If not for his great hearing, he wouldn’t have heard the question over the music blasting from every corner of the club. Ian took a deep breath, then another swig of his drink.
“No. I’m going to sit here and look like I’m not having fun while trying to get drunk which we both know isn’t going to happen.”
Logan chuckled. “Brother, get over what happened before you left. Every man gets to a point in time where his equipment doesn’t work as well as it did when he was younger.”
Why did he tell his brother what happened? He knew that his equipment, as his brother called it, worked just fine. What inspired his problem happened to be the woman he used to love. “Nothing is wrong with my equipment,” Ian snapped.
“I beg to differ, Ian.”
“What do you want anyhow, Logan? You dragged me here when I wanted to get some rest.”
Logan shook his head. “Boy, she has turned you into a party pooper.” Logan lifted his hand to the young waitress.
The young woman smiled before making her way over to them. “What would you have, boss?” She threaded her fingers through her hair, a big smile still on her face as she leaned over the counter, giving them a direct view of her breasts almost spilling out of her white tank top shirt.
Logan didn’t miss her invitation. His smiled widened as he leaned over the counter, his gaze locking directly on her breasts.
“I see a drink right now, Emily,” Logan purred.
Emily’s eyes looked down, following Logan’s stare. She giggled before pretending to pull her shirt up to cover her breasts. “There isn’t anything to drink down there.”
“The hell there isn’t,” Logan retorted before sitting back on the stool. “Give me my favorite and another of whatever my brother had.”
“Oh, this is your brother?”
“Yes. This is my big brother, Ian. Ian, this is one of my favorite workers, Emily.”
Ian knew why she was his favorite worker. The faint hint of Logan was all over this woman. Logan had marked her as one of his own. Almost a hundred years with Meagan, and he had not even thought about marking. Ian shook his head. No need worrying about her now. He had other things, more important things to worry about.
“Well, he’s my favorite boss.”
“I am sure he is. It’s n
ice to meet you, Emily.”
“Same here, Ian. I’ll get your drinks right away.” The woman trotted off.
“Brother, how about you grab one of these females who would gladly do anything to you.”
Ian shook his head.
“Why not? Don’t tell me that you are waiting for Meagan to do a one-eighty in one day stop taking human cocks into her pussy?”
Ian growled, his hand shot out, his fingers tightly grabbing Logan’s collar. “That is the last time you say anything bad about Meagan. I’m getting tired of you talking shit about her.”
Logan snarled, his fingers working furiously at his brother’s fingers to loosen them, but with Ian being a lot older and stronger, he couldn’t.
“Let me go, brother,” Logan hissed. “I’ll say what I want about a woman who is dragging you to your grave. She is a woman who has my brother’s nose so far out of joint he can’t see the damn forest for the trees. Understand that you are the one who told me that you couldn’t get off because you dreaded being with her. So don’t blame me for you being unhappy.”
Ian loosened his grip. No matter how much he hated to admit it, Logan had spoken the truth. Meagan didn’t respect him at all, and she would continue to be unfaithful to him until he did something about it.
Logan pushed his hand away, readjusting his clothes.
“I’m sorry, Logan.”
“No need to apologize. No harm done. I just want you to be happy, and if Meagan is whom you want to be with, then I’ll not say anything else bad about her to you. I’ll accept what she is to you.”
“Here are your drinks.” Emily sat their drinks down in front of them before walking off to attend to the other customers.
Ian started to speak, but a tingling sensation began deep in the pit of his stomach, moving up his body, touching every fiber of his being. His stomach knotted up. The hairs on the back of his neck stood.
“What were you going to say?”
The sensation moved through him like fresh blood through his veins. He shivered as whatever made him feel this way made its way closer. Closer and closer it got. He turned around to look at the staircase. The nearer whatever it was got, the more the sensation went through him, the more he tensed up, the more he wanted to strike, but he couldn’t until he figured out what it was.
He took in a deep breath, waiting to see what drew closer. He tried with all his might to figure it out. Never had he felt anything like this in his life. It didn’t feel evil, but he had to make sure he kept up his guard.
Ian’s hand tightened around the glass, almost shattering it when five people made their way to the top of the steps. There was a rather short human male, a young wolf and three human females. They were all talking to each other as they climbed the stairs. Ian focused on the wolf and the male and noticed the sensation didn’t come from either of them. His focus went to the females. One had very long hair that touched the middle of her back, but it wasn’t her, so it was one of the other females. She was the one who called to him. The wolf, the human male, and the other two females were not paying attention to him.
They walked up to a room, still chatting among themselves. Four of them entered the room, but the one female who called to him stopped just outside the door. She placed her hand on both sides of the doorframe and took a deep breath. Pushing away from the doorframe, she turned and looked directly at Ian, and the moment she did, the music around him seem to fade until he only heard his own breathing.
In the blue room, unless you were close to that person, you couldn’t see their features that well. Ian didn’t need to see her features to feel. Something called to him with this female, a dark hunger. A deep need to go to her, take her with him and protect her, love her overpowered him. If she had grown up in the way of his people, he would have done just that. But she was a human female. Humans liked to be courted first. Ian needed to meet this female first. Before he could stand, the wolf walked out of the room, grabbed her hand, getting the woman’s attention. The woman turned away from him, then followed the wolf into the room.
Ian stood, about to go to the room when his brother’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Ian what’s going on with you?”
Then and only then did the music once again start blasting. Ian blinked a couple of times. He stared at the door the woman went into before looking at his brother. “What?”
“I said what was going on with you? Was it the wolf?” Logan stood next to him. “He’s part of the Lone Wolves, I think, so we shouldn’t have any problems out of him.”
Ian didn’t know what to say about what just happened to him. How could he explain to his brother a feeling he had never felt? This woman ignited something inside him that wouldn’t die by trying to forget it.
“Ian, what’s going on with you?”
Ian growled at his brother but knew Logan was concerned about him. “It’s not the wolf,” Ian finally spoke.
“Then what was it?”
Ian let out a deep breath. “I can’t tell you what happened, brother, but the woman who the wolf pulled inside, I felt something with her.”
Logan stepped in front of him, smiling. “Oh, my brother’s pipes still work I see. You have a sexual feeling for a human?”
Ian growled. “No. I don’t feel a sexual need to be with a human.”
Logan stared at him. “Come on, Ian. We sleep with humans all the time. I find it fun to have a human bend to my will. Sometimes they can satisfy you more than our kind could.”
“I’m not sleeping with a human no matter what I feel, and that’s final.”
“Boy, Meg—”
“Don’t you dare say it or it will be the last words you speak for a while.”
“Someone is touchy. Sit down and finish your drink. I am going to make my rounds.”
“After this drink, I’m going home.”
“No! You stay here, grab some female, and dance with her.”
“No,” Ian snapped.
“For me. Just one dance to let me know that you are still the boss of your home, and a dick still hangs between your legs.”
“Me cheating on Meagan will not prove that I’m the boss.”
“But it will let me know that you still have a dick.”
Ian shook his head. “You’re impossible, brother.”
“I know, but do this for me. Stay for a little while longer. For me?”
Ian wanted to stay, but he didn’t want to stay for Logan. He wanted to stay to find out whom that woman was and why he felt what he felt when she came around. “Okay, I’ll stay for a while, but I’m not dancing.”
“I’ll take one out of two. I’ll be back soon.”
* * * *
What just happened to her? Kayla didn’t know what had happened a moment ago, but she didn’t like it one bit. She just didn’t take one look at a man and want to have sex with him. Hell, she wouldn’t have sex with a man she knew for over a year, so what was the deal with this guy?
When they first entered into Diamond, an eerie sensation filled her and no matter what she did, she couldn’t shake it. The longer she stayed the more the feeling made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She didn’t believe in psychics or anyone who claimed to have mystical powers. Yet, what she felt when she entered the club didn’t feel normal. As they made their way up the stairs, she tried not to think about the feeling and she had almost had it out of her mind until she saw him.
She couldn’t get a good look at his face in the blue room, but she knew he was there.
Watching her.
When she looked at him watching her, she wanted to go to him, to ask him to dance. Kayla smiled at that lie. She didn’t want to dance. She wanted to take this complete stranger to bed.
Her bed.
Oh God, what was happening to her? She never had thoughts of being sexual with a stranger. She wasn’t some slut who slept with any and every man that looked at her.
Tyler’s voice broke her concentration. “Kayla, you all r
Tyler stood in front of her, his hands on her shoulders. “Are you sure? You got all weird a moment ago, staring at some man.”
“Oh, Kayla was staring at some man?” Julia sat on the couch.
“Yeah, she was. He was sitting at the bar,” Amanda jumped in.
“But I wasn’t staring at him like that. I just felt someone looking at me and it was him.”
“You might have some competition, Tyler,” Julia teased.
“Me? For what?”
Noah patted Tyler on the shoulder before sitting down next to Amanda and Julia. “Don’t act like you don’t have a thing for Kayla,” Noah spoke. “We all know you do.”
Kayla watched as Tyler ground his teeth. She found that when he did that he didn’t want to respond to anyone. Tyler did have a calmness she loved, but she might need to save him before they pushed his limits.
“Leave him alone, guys. Tyler doesn’t have any competition because it’s only friendship between he and I.”
She could hear the low grunts from her friends, but they knew not to push the issue anymore.
“I’m going to go get some drinks,” Tyler said in a low voice.
“You don’t have to go get them, we have someone who is supposed to get them for us,” Julia told him.
“Yea.” Kayla joined her friends on the couch.
“It’s okay. I want to get drunk, now. Very drunk.”
Once he left out of the room, everyone stared at each other for a moment.
“That boy has problems,” Noah spoke first.
“What are you talking about?” Kayla questioned.
“He is so deep in love with you that everyone can see it but you,” Amanda added.
“He may be in love with me, but it could never be.”
“Why not? Tyler isn’t that bad on the eyes,” Julia pushed.
“He may not be, but I’m not dating employees.”
“Well, fire him, and then get it on with him. He’s going to go crazy every time you look at another man. If you have sex with someone, I can see him going into a rage,” Julia told her.
Kayla didn’t know what to do now. She had this strange desire to go back out into the club and talk to the stranger she had been staring at. She didn’t want Tyler in any way right now. She almost felt repulsed by him.