DarkHunger Page 6
Tyler sighed, then nodded. “I understand, but I ask you to do me a favor and stay away from those two at the club. You can date anyone but them.”
“What are you talking about? Do you know them?”
“I don’t know them personally, but I know they are not your type.”
Kayla laughed. “I know my type, and you have to understand that I’ll make my own decisions.”
“I know that, Kayla. Just know I told you so. They are not what they seem.” Tyler turned and walked back to his car.
Kayla didn’t wait for him to drive away before closing the door. She knew that Tyler would be jealous of her and Ian, but now she felt that Tyler would make it a lot more difficult than she wanted. No matter, she would spend time with Ian and as much as she wanted.
Kayla went upstairs, took a long shower and then went to bed, preparing herself for tomorrow’s date.
* * * *
“So you are telling me that she wanted you, and you said no? Are you mad, Ian?”
Ian looked at his brother as they walked through the wooded area. Why must his brother have a problem with everything he did? He was the oldest by three hundred years, yet Logan acted as if he were the oldest.
“Yes, I decided to wait. I thought you would be happy that I asked her on a date.”
“I am happy that you are finally coming out of your shell. The fact that she wanted to give you pussy, and you denied her disappoints me.”
“You think it’s all about fucking, don’t you? What about getting to know them first? To see if you are compatible in more ways than in the bedroom?”
Logan stopped walking. “Oh, I see it now. You and Meagan were great in bed together, and now that the spark is gone, you are finding out that you two have nothing in common.”
“That is part of it, and the fact that she is having sex with every male she comes in contact with also makes it hard for me.”
“I hope this Kayla thing works in some way. She seems nice, but I think that wolf is protecting her.”
“He seems to be in love with her, but I don’t get any sense that she feels the same for him.”
“Maybe not. Why would I want to become a wolf? Once a month, changing into some beast that eats anything that gets in my way is not a way of life. And don’t forget licking yourself clean.”
“I agree with you there.”
Ian took in a deep breath as a familiar sent hit his nose. “You smell that?”
Logan inhaled. “Fresh blood.”
“Too fresh.”
Ian took off running in the direction of the smell. They ran until they came upon a female body naked on the grass. The woman was on her back, eyes closed, thighs spread apart. Ian smelled a man’s release, letting him know that someone had raped her. Bruises were all over her body, but mostly on her thighs where he was sure that her attacker had forced himself on her. Her face was bloody, her lip split. Whoever killed her really did a number on her. He didn’t know who, but he knew what killed her, a wolf. The smell of the beast’s release sickened him. How could someone get off over beating a woman?
“Fuck!” Logan yelled, kneeling next to the woman. “Wolves are pissing me off with killing my customers.”
“You know her?”
“Yeah, she’s a regular, well, was a regular. They are not just killing, now they are taking their pleasure with the victims. I don’t know the scent of this wolf. I haven’t met his bloodline.”
Logan turned the young woman’s head, exposing the wolf’s bite on her neck. Whoever this wolf was, they tried to make it look like a vampire had bitten her. It’s different because a vampire’s bite heals in only seconds if they bite while the host is alive. Whoever did this had to be inexperienced. “He tried to make it seem like a vampire bit her.”
“Yeah, I see,” Logan shrugged out of his jacket, laying it over the dead body, then stood. “Let’s call the Council to let them know we have another dead one.”
Ian walked around the site, trying to find clues of who had killed this female. Then he caught the faint scent of the wolf that was at the club. Ian growled, letting his teeth emerge from his gums.
“I smell him, too, Ian.”
“Put your fangs away, vampire.”
Ian growled loudly, wanting to tear Tyler’s throat out because he could smell Kayla on him. He knew that they drove together to the club, but he didn’t want her scent on the wolf at all.
“What are you doing here?” Logan asked.
“I smelled fresh blood and followed the scent. I have been trying to find out who’s killing also.”
“It’s your kind,” Ian snapped.
Tyler walked up to Ian, his eyes blazing red. They stared at each other, each not letting a moment of weakness show.
“But it’s not my clan.”
“You two, take it easy.” Logan walked between them. “We are all looking to stop these murders before humans find out what we are, and if they do, all our asses will be up a creek. So you two better put your little fight behind you and work together.”
“I agree.”
The new male’s voice made Ian tense up, ready to strike. Ian turned to another wolf walking from the darkness of the forest.
“I’m Jack McDaniels.” The black haired man made his way up to them. “I see you have already met my son, Tyler.”
“Yes we have,” Logan spoke.
“I apologize for his actions. You know young wolves tend to get aggressive when they turn.”
“We understand,” Ian said.
“Yes, we do, but if he can’t control his issues, he needs to go to the den until he can,” Logan suggested.
“I agree, and if I see it getting out of control over the next couple of weeks, I’ll take him to the den and make him stay until he can control his anger.”
“Father!” Tyler yelled, but his father’s hand made him quiet.
“It is done. Control it or you are going to the den until you can control it.”
Tyler didn’t speak again. He walked to the far side of the site to get away from them.
“What do we have?” Jack asked.
“Another werewolf killing,” Ian told him. “Have any idea of the wolf?”
Jack inhaled deeply, frowned, then shook his head.
Ian had a feeling Jack was lying to protect someone.
“I’ll keep an eye out for anyone talking about recent kills. I’ll be in touch with you guys.” Jack walked over to Tyler, grabbing him by the collar and tugging him back into the woods.
“That was strange,” Logan said.
“Yes, it was. Too strange. I think Jack knows something he’s not telling us.”
“You think it could be someone in his pack?”
“Never know. It might be some allies, but I doubt they would turn in their own pack to a vampire council.”
“You’re right. I’m sure that this wolf will slip up sooner or later.”
Ian nodded. He only wished that the victim had some life in her. Vampires had visions, and if they took the blood of the living, they could see their past. That’s why Ian drank from pouches. He learned that if the blood didn’t come directly from the donor, then he didn’t have visions.
“Why don’t you go home, brother? I am going to go see Emily and stay with her during the day. She has her home set up for me. You have a big night tomorrow.”
“You’re right. Are you going to stay for the cleanup?”
“I’m thinking of calling Cage into the battle.”
“Cage Vasser?”
“Why him?”
“He’s one of the best at detecting clans by smell. He is the only vampire clairvoyant I know. I think it would be a good thing bringing him in.”
“If you think he would help.”
“I do.”
“Okay, see you tomorrow then, Logan.” Ian made his way out of the wooded area and back to his car. It would be hard for him to sleep when, now, he only thought abo
ut Kayla.
Chapter 5
Kayla moaned when a warm mouth covered her nipple. Keeping her eyes closed, she reached, running her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to her. Never in her life had she felt anything so good. She rocked against his body, feeling his erection pressing against her soaking passage.
His tongue swirled around it before pressing it flat against the roof of his mouth. She moaned softly and arched her body pushing the nipple deeper into his mouth. One hand molded the full swell of her other breast.
He teased her breast, sucking it until she thought she would explode from the passion. He soon switched breasts, attacking her nipple with the same urgency as the other.
She gritted her teeth and held back as much as she could, willing herself to let him take his time and bring her slowly to the brink of ecstasy. A low sigh left her lips at the feel of the tip of his cock sliding against her wet folds. She rotated her hips, trying to take him inside her.
He moved his mouth back to the other nipple and trailed his hand down her body over the soft swell of her tummy to the wet slit of her pussy. She blushed knowing how wet he would find her. She was rewarded with a low groan from him.
Kayla parted her thighs more, letting him take full control of her need. His thumb slid across her clitoris, making it harder. As he pulled deeply at her taut nipple, his thumb worked at her clitoris, stroking it back and forward. The pressure of his thumb and his mouth drew out cries of pleasure from her.
He lifted his head away from her breast, causing her to sigh at the loss, and she moaned when his lips brushed against her, gently licking, teasing her.
Her hands drew him closer to her body, allowing his hard erection to press against her soaking passage again. This time, before he moved, she lifted her hips, almost taking the full length of him in her soaking pussy. She wanted him to make love to her, and she wanted him now.
The sound of Ian’s voice made her open her eyes. “Such impatience.”
His blue eyes stared deeply into hers. Kayla was not surprised that Ian was the one who made her feel this way. She reached up moving his golden strands away from his face.
“I’ve waited so long to give myself to anyone. Yes, I’m impatient to feel pleasure.”
Ian smiled at her, moving his hips, letting the tip of his cock tease her more. Kayla couldn’t explain what she experienced. He was only teasing her, but she needed more.
A long exhalation of pleasure sent a surge of need through her. God she was about to burst if he didn’t take her soon.
“You want me to be your first? Take what you have kept precious for so long?”
Kayla moved to try to get him to take her. His strong hands caught her hips before she could. He shook his head at her.
Why must he torture her so much? Her body burned and she knew that Ian could put out the fire. She lifted her hips again, and more of him slid deeper. Ian moaned, but didn’t let her move any more.
“No, answer me, Kayla. I want to know if you give yourself to me freely.”
Kayla didn’t care what she had to agree to get him to take her. She wanted release and if he kept up the teasing, she would cum from the tip. Her pussy throbbed around his cock, pulsing with pleasurable after pleasurable wave. It took all her might not to scream at him to fuck her. She was on the verge of a release, and he only had the tip of him inside her.
“You better answer soon. I can tell you are about to cum all over my cock.”
“I can’t wait any longer.” Her voice was so hoarse she didn’t recognize it.
“Then don’t,” he urged. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve needed a woman this badly, and I want to make love to you. But you must answer my question. Do you give your body to me freely and of your own free will?”
Once again Kayla tried to move, but his grip was tightly on her waist. She closed her eyes.
“Yes, God dammit. Yes! Just move Ian. I give to you freely.”
“Open your eyes and look at me,” Ian ordered.
It took all her might to open her eyes. The moment she did, he pushed deeper.
Kayla came loose. Her walls clamped down on him. Her body shook as her orgasm took her by surprise. She wanted to feel him longer. She didn’t want him to think she was this needy, but her body had betrayed her in so many ways.
“You are mine, Kayla, in your dreams and in real life!”
* * * *
Kayla woke the moment her orgasm hit. She sat up in the bed, her body throbbing uncontrollably, Ian’s words echoing over and over in her mind.
You are mine, Kayla, in your dreams and in real life!
“Oh my God!” Kayla gasped, her hand over her mouth. She couldn’t believe that she had had an orgasm from a dream. A dream about a man she just met no less.
Lying back in the bed, she looked over at the clock, the red lights flashing seven in the morning. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, no matter how hard she tried. It didn’t mean she couldn’t lie down and go into an Ian fantasy. If they did make love, would it be as good as in her dreams? The first time he entered her, would she explode?
Her cell phone rang the second she pulled the covers back over her head. “No. I want to go back to sleep,” she yelled to whomever had the nerve to call her so early in the morning.
She reached over and opened it, not bothering to look at the number. “Hello,” she growled.
“Whoa, take it easy there, growly,” Julia’s spoke over the phone.
“Oh, hi, Julia. Why are you up so early?”
“Worrying about you.”
“About what?”
“Well, even though Logan assured us that Ian wouldn’t do anything bad to you, I had to make sure you made it home safely.”
“Yes, I’m safe. Ian and I talked in the car, he walked me to my door, we kissed and he asked me on a date.”
“Wow, really? Kissed? He kissed you ,and you didn’t kill him? Or did you kill him and now I have to be your alibi when the police come knocking at my door?”
Kayla laughed. “No I didn’t kill him. The kiss was nice. Nicer than I expected.”
“What about the date? Did you agree to go out with him?”
“No? Why, no? He seems nice and from what I could see, sexy as hell.”
He was sexier than anything Kayla had ever run into. The dream alone had her fantasizing about the things she wanted him to do to her. “I said no because I told him I would cook for him here.”
“What the hell? Where is my friend Kayla? I don’t know this woman I’m talking to.”
“You’re such a pest, Julia. Yes, I am cooking for him so get your butt over here, and let’s go shopping. I have no idea what to get to cook. I need ideas.”
“Calm down, girly. Your friend is on the way to help you out. No worries or getting your panties in a bunch. I’ll be there in an hour.”
“Good. See you soon.” Kayla hung up her cell and got out of bed. She decided to take a shower and not think of the dream. She couldn’t tell Julia about the dream or she would never let her live it down.
* * * *
“Why did you kill that girl last night, Eric?” Tyler asked as he walked inside the Scion’s Clan den.
The moment he walked inside the cave, he knew there were many others there. With the heartbeats, he could count at least twenty or so people. When he stood in the main cave, he looked around. Many of the wolves lay on fur-made beds alongside the walls. A large, toasty fire blazed in the middle of the room. Eric sat beside the fire while a female wolf had his cock deep in her throat.
Tyler turned at the sound of lovemaking. Two females on the other side of the den were going at it like bunnies. That’s why he liked the Scion Clan. They were an open clan. They did what they wanted when they wanted. If he were part of this clan, Kayla would be his now.
After noticing that Eric wasn’t going to stop the female, he spoke again. “Eric, a moment.”
Eric’s eyes finally
opened. Golden eyes stared directly at him. He knew that interrupting a wolf having sex could get you killed, but he needed to find out something and now.
Eric snarled at him, grabbed the female’s head, making her cry out a little from what had to be pain and lifted her away from his cock. “A moment, dear. Let me talk to the new member. Explain to him that interrupting me at this time would not be a good idea.”
The woman snarled at Tyler as she rose and walked over to the other two women on the fur to join in. Eric stood and wrapped the robe around his body.
“What do you need, pup?” Eric asked.
“The girl you fucked and killed last night. Why would you do that when I told you that the Hunters had called in reinforcements?”
“I killed her because she rejected the calling. I would kill any person who rejects the Scion Clan’s mark. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you want to join the wrong clan.”
“I don’t have a problem with that, Eric. I am sorry to interrupt. The dead human is not why I come to you.” Tyler sighed. “It’s just that a vampire called Ian is here from New York. I believe that he used his mind control on Kayla last night.”
Eric snarled again. “Did he?”
“I’m sure he did, but he claimed he hadn’t. The way she acted when she saw him seemed like mind control.”
“But you don’t know for sure?”
“No. I do know that he dropped her home last night, and I could sense her arousal when she opened the door. They hadn’t had sex, but I’m sure that they will soon, and I refuse to be second to a vampire.”
“Then what do you want to do?”
“I’m part of the Scion Clan, right?”
“You are, but you have to wait until you are initiated in before you receive the mark.”
“I’ll join, but I want her to be mine. We will take her to the ritual grounds. I’m going to take her and make her mine tonight.”
“Are you sure? You know, if she rejects you, then we have to kill her. We can’t have her running around knowing what we are without being one of us.”
Tyler nodded. “I’m prepared. Just get ready for it tonight.” Eric’s hand on his shoulder made him look at him.